Not a cow level diablo 3
Not a cow level diablo 3

not a cow level diablo 3

Most interactions ended badly for the cow, but still no cow portal. This thread describes their findings on cow spawns in Diablo 4, such as their locations, group numbers, behaviors and interactions with the player and included attempts to use emotes on them. Some players have gone on cow-culling bloodbaths in the quest to seek the truth, reddit user r/frogbound reported back on their cow observations. It was also a pre-requisite to complete the game to access the Cow Level in previous games, so perhaps these items could be gated behind a player defeating Uber Lilith at Level 100.Įither way, the player base has gone to further extremes to prove the Cow Level theory in Diablo 4. It may be that these items do not exist anywhere in the game as yet, and will be added at a later date. There is no evidence that these items are in the game yet, and Reddit is already rife with people claiming to have found them but having no supporting screenshots. Infographic made by r/d4cowlevel (Image credit: Reddit) Though is appears ordinary, you feel that it has some kind of power." It appears to be part of some ancient device." Does this refer to the Horadric Cube?

  • Intricate Metallic Fragment "a metallic fragment of unknown origin, still humming with magical energies.
  • The deep blue dye has faded with age, and all of the pages have been torn out." This looks like the Tome of Town Portal from Diablo 2.
  • Musty Tome "the tattered leather binding of an old tom.
  • The letter "W" has been crudely carved on one side." Could this be a part of Wirt's Leg?
  • Bloody Wooden Shard - "a worn, bloodstained chunk of wood with tattered leather straps.
  • Data miners have already found clues from the game of items that might be needed, that resemble the components from previous games for entering the Cow Level. This fountain has given new hope to those who are looking for the elusive cow level, as it seems to suggest a hidden riddle that will unlock more mysteries. It is said that one who presents a worthy offering cleansed in these waters may gain their blessing. The Oxen Gods stand as guardians to this sacred fountain.

    not a cow level diablo 3

    Interacting with the Oxen facing East will give you further text: "Spill their blood to be deemed worthy." (Image credit: Reddit)

    Not a cow level diablo 3