Diablo 3 new season start date
Diablo 3 new season start date

While within an Echoing Nightmare, the difficulty scales as players progress in the encounter.

diablo 3 new season start date

  • Similar to a boss encounter, all players in a multiplayer game must accept a prompt to enter.
  • Only one player is required to transmute a Petrified Scream to open an Echoing Nightmare in a multiplayer game.
  • Petrified Screams and the Echoing Nightmare can only be accessed with seasonal characters.
  • Transmuting a Petrified Scream in Kanai’s Cube summons a portal that players can enter to face the horrors of the Nephalem’s past. Players must collect a Petrified Scream from defeated Greater Rift Guardians to gain entry to the Echoing Nightmare.

    diablo 3 new season start date

    Today’s Nephalem must stand their ground until they are inevitably Overwhelmed or defeated. Season 26 introduces the Echoing Nightmare, an optional and rewarding end-game challenge where players fight within the memories of Nephalem who fell in a Greater Rift.

    Diablo 3 new season start date